domingo, agosto 10, 2008

Tropical Heat

Tropical Heat, also known as Sweating Bullets, was a Canadian TV series, made in cooperation with Mexico and Israel and released between 1991 and 1993 (eventually as part of the CBS umbrella series, Crimetime After Primetime).
It was about two private investigators, ex-police officer Nick Slaughter and ex-tourist agent Silvie Girard, solving a variety of different cases.
The series ran for three seasons, totalling 66 episodes. Season One was filmed in
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Season Two was filmed in Eilat, Israel. Season Three was filmed in Pretoria, South Africa, with some sequences shot on the Isle of Mauritius.[1]
Lead actor Rob Stewart, a hypnotist, met his bride in Mexico during the first season. He now lives in California.

Quién no conoce a Nick Slaughter?
Serie veraniega por excelencia de los 90, como me ponía el Nick, jeje.

2 comentarios:

Caracoles sosegados dijo...

¡Mira el tío, teleartisto e hipnotizador!
están locos estos canadienses

me ha encantado volver a ver esto, estoy enternecía, snifs

a mí también me ponía el Nick, y quería ser pelirroja como la Silvye y trabajar en el chiringuito con camisas hawaianas y retozar entre los cocoteros y..., eh, bueno...

genial este rimember Inmus

Inma g dijo...

Que viva el Nick y su prima la pelirroja!!!